Monday 29 March 2010

Developments at the track!!!

Find all the photos by clicking the link below:

(Images and words are by Richard Robotham at 'rhodospin' photography, the ever brilliant photographer who is present at most B.C. BMX events throughout the year.)

This article was posted on the British Cycling web-site:

The new track is being constructed by Bike Track who are Britain's leading specialist with over 20 years experience in the construction of BMX and MTB tracks and courses. Speaking with the Bike Track guys they are all very confident about completing the track on time. They exude an obvious passion about the project and the sport and they feel those who will use the track will be equally as zealous once they get on it for the first time. The track will consist of four straights with lots of jumps of varying degrees of difficulty and three berms. So far Bike Track have constructed the four metre start ramp complete with a gradual climb up for riders to access the start. From this point two full straights and two complete berms have been constructed. Currently under construction is the third berm, leaving the final two straights to be formed. The Bike Track guys were not giving too much away about the jumps remaining to be constructed but judging by the works so far it will be an exhilarating ride and thrilling for those who watch.

Speaking with Gary Lawrence of Lawfield Contracts Ltd., he said he was very pleased with the progress and most impressed with the construction so far. He added that Bike Track were on program to complete the works. The progress with the fit-out of the changing rooms and Redditch Premier's Club facilities were nearing completion with only minor works to be finished. This will be a much welcome building for those racing at the venue to enable them to change before and after competition.

Chatting with Benn Thombs, the Redditch Premiers Chairman he commented on the facilities and track as follows:
"So far the majority of the work that has been done is to the clubhouse. I had a look around this the other day and it definitely surpasses our expectations. The work has pretty much finished inside. It now consists of male and female showers and toilets, a first aid room, disabled toilet, bike store, an office, and a club-room with adjoining kitchen. There will also be locker facilities. The building has been designed perfectly for our needs and this is something that no other club in the country can boast. We feel that this should be the norm for our sport now. A more professional approach to BMX facilities is what we need to drag BMX racing into the 21st Century, and give it the status is deserves.

"Work on the track itself is starting to take shape. This is something we are keeping a close eye on, as we know that the track is what makes the facility and what will attract people to our facility. We are pleased with the size of the start hill; it's a four metre hill so bigger than most tracks in the UK. We have tried to make the first straight fast for everyone, but put some decent size jumps in it so it's still challenging for the elites. The first corner is looking big, which is what we wanted. On my last site visit the drainage was almost in and the Bike Track guys were close to starting the other 3 straights.

"Overall we are really happy with the way the build project has run so far. We have regular site meetings with BC, Redditch Borough Council, Bike Track and the main contractors. The whole process has been very professional, something we intend to carry through to when the facility is operational. "We look forwarding to seeing everyone down at Redditch from May onwards. We are working on one or two things behind the scenes which could be huge for the facility. So stay tuned for more updates."

With several weeks of track construction remaining one can sense the excitement of all those involved with the project and hopefully this will be reflected over the coming seasons with Regional, National and hopefully even European or International events. BMXing is certainly coming home to its British birth place and this much-needed venue will definitely be a long awaited boost to the sport within Redditch and for the British Cycling West Midlands region.

With a scheduled club meeting, being held tomorrow night at Redditch Town Hall, watch this space for more club news, track developments and Membership details.

Thursday 11 March 2010

New Track Photos

Benn took some more photos yesterday to show the work going on at the Redditch site...Coming on strong!! Take a look at the last couple of photos...they of the new track at Nuneaton. The track was built by the same designers/contractors as the ones building Redditch...this bodes well; the quality looks spot on.


View from the top of the start hill...gulp!

Side view of the start hill and first jump

Nuneaton's new BMX track

Rollercoaster like you some idea of the kind

of facility Redditch will soon have...Are you ready Redditch?

Wednesday 10 March 2010

New Track - The Latest

Benn (Club Chairman) updated BMXTalk today with the following post:

Just been down to the site. Had a good chat with Jordan from Bike track. The first straight jumps have been built up from the mass material, and these have started to be shaped. They are now putting all the drainage in today before they have more material tipped to start putting the 2nd,3rd and 4th straight jumps in. I think things will more pretty quick now.

Hardcore and surfacing is a couple of weeks away yet, but the track is starting to take shape. Start hill is 4 metres at its peak, and 3.4 metres from the gate to the floor. I had a look around the Club house a couple of weeks ago. Looking really good. A decent size Club room, Kitchen, and a separate office which will have a viewing window looking out to the track. As well as all that, its had male and female showers and toilets put in, plus a bike store, and first aid room. All the fencing has been put in. This a 2.4m anti climb fencing similar to what Manchester track has and most schools seem to have now.

Things are shaping up nicely. Finish date should be end of April for the whole facility. Don't forget as well as the flood lit track we also have an awesome skate park on site too. So it will be an awesome place for a day trip if you are into race, dirt and park. I have some pics to post up later.

Roll on the spring:-)

Track is Coming on Strong!!

On a number of occasions, whilst we've been out riding our bikes, sessioning someone else's track, (having travelled for a couple of hours to get to it!); we've discussed how ace it would be to be able to cycle to our own track. It was hard to believe that day would ever come...well it's going to be a reality soon. The bulldozers have moved in and, whilst the weather is good, they've been getting busy!! Take a look at these photos, taken on Sunday...can't imagine what it looks like today!

Start hill, (taken throught the surrounding fence)'s HIGH!!

First straight from the first corner....LONG!!!

Third corner, looking back to the start hill. There will
be a tarmac covered berm here soon...


£20 each. Details on how to get them will be here soon, if you can't wait and you'd like to know how to get one, contact us through via this blog or the Facebook page.